Exclusive Designs

Oyster Laurel Embroidery Design
Oyster Laurel Embroidery Design
Oyster Laurel Embroidery Design
Oyster Laurel Embroidery Design

Oyster Laurel Embroidery Design

Regular price $3.45

The Oyster Laurel Embroidery Frame Design includes two variations one is a Double Oyster Design and the second is a Single Oyster Laurel Design.  Each design includes satin and embroidery fill stitches for embroidery machine monogramming.

Please note:  The font shown in the first two images of this design is not included but available as a separate purchase here:

Morgan Stripe.

The sizes and formats included in each design are as follows:

Double Oyster:

3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10, 7x11

Single Oyster:

2.5", 3", 4x4, 4.5", 5.5", 6.5", 9.5", 11"

Please note:  The font shown in the fist image, is NOT included in this listing but is available as a separate purchase named Pearl Satin.



    If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

    Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


    For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

    Bow Heart Charm Embroidery Design
    Bow Heart Charm Embroidery Design

    Bow Heart Charm Embroidery Design

    Regular price $3.45

    The Bow Heart Charm Embroidery Frame Design includes two variations of the same design in satin stitches for embroidery machine monogramming.  Included is aa single color variation and a two color variation as shown in the second image.

    The sizes and formats included in each variation are as follows:

    2", 2.5", 3", 4x4, 4H, 5H, 6H, 7"

    Please note:  The font shown in the fist image, is NOT included in this listing but is available as a separate purchase named Pearl Satin.

    PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, and BX


      If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

      Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


      For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

      Palm Tree Embroidery Design
      Palm Tree Embroidery Design

      Palm Tree Embroidery Design

      Regular price $3.45

      The Palm Tree Design is a three color embroidery design including embroidery fill stitches for embroidery machine monogramming.

      Please note:  The font shown in the first two images of this design is not included but available as a separate purchase here:

      Morgan Stripe.

      The sizes and formats included in the Palm Tree design are as follows:

      2", 2.5", 3", 4x4, 4.5", 5", 5.5", 5x7 (6.5"), 6x10, 7x9

      Please note:  The font shown in the fist image, is NOT included in this listing but is available as a separate purchase named Pearl Satin.

      PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, and BX


        If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

        Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


        For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

        Apres Ski Embroidery Design
        Apres Ski Embroidery Design

        Apres Ski Embroidery Design

        Regular price $3.45

        The Apres Ski Embroidery Frame Design includes two variations of the same design which says Apres Ski in satin stitches for embroidery machine monogramming.  Included is a four color multi color variation and a single color variation.

        The sizes and formats included in each variation are as follows:

        Multi Color:
        3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10 

        Single Color:

        3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10, 7x11

        PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB and BX


          If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

          Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


          For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

          Cherry Bow Embroidery Design

          Cherry Bow Embroidery Design

          Regular price $3.45

          The Cherry Bow Embroidery Frame Design is a four color design including embroidery fill and satin stitches for embroidery machine monogramming.

          The sizes and formats included in this download are as follows:

          2", 2.5", 3", 4x4, 4H, 5x7, 6x10 

          PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB and BX


            If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

            Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


            For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

            Ski Frame Embroidery Design
            Ski Frame Embroidery Design
            Ski Frame Embroidery Design

            Ski Frame Embroidery Design

            Regular price $3.75

            The Ski Monogram Frame Design includes two variations of the same design.  Each design is a multi color embroidery design with fill, satin and redwork stitches.  The first variation includes SKI inside of the frame, and the second Open Frame is open to fill with a monogram as shown in the second image.  Included is a four color multi color variation and a single color variation.

            Please note:  The SKI monogram includes the word SKI, but the alphabetic font shown in the second image is NOT included in this image, but is available as a separate purchase named Wyeth Trail.

            The sizes and formats included in each variation are as follows:

            Ski Monogram Frame:
             4x4, 5x7, 6x10 

            Single Open Frame:

            3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10, 7x11

            PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB and BX


              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

              Designer Stripe Design Package
              Designer Stripe Design Package
              Designer Stripe Design Package
              Designer Stripe Design Package
              Designer Stripe Design Package
              Designer Stripe Design Package
              Designer Stripe Design Package
              Designer Stripe Design Package

              Designer Stripe Design Package

              Regular price $13.50

              The Designer Stripe Embroidery Design Package includes four styles of a new shorter and wider Designer Stripe Style.

              Please note:  The font shown in the images are NOT included, but available as a separate purchase named Block Shadow Satin.

              Each style as shown in the first two images includes both the frame design and the individual sides to customize the desired width for additional or wider letters.

              Each style includes the following sizes and formats:


              3", 4x4, 4", 4.5", 5", 5.5", 6x5" (5x7), 8"

              Left and Right Sides:

              3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10


              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

              Floral Scalloped Flag Embroidery Design
              Floral Scalloped Flag Embroidery Design
              Floral Scalloped Flag Embroidery Design

              Floral Scalloped Flag Embroidery Design

              Regular price $3.55

              The first is a full satin stitch embroidery design including satin stitch flowers as well as scalloped stripes as shown in the first image.

              The sizes and formats in the satin stitch version are as follows:

              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, JEF, EXP, XXX EMB and BX

              Satin Stitch COUNT 
              3: 6718
              4x4: 9116
              4.5":  10130
              5": 11111

              Fill Stitch Count:
              3: 6800
              4x4: 8028
              4.5":  10642
              5.5": 14424
              5x7:  18199
               6x10: 23857


              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

              Side Bow Applique Embroidery Machine Design
              Side Bow Applique Embroidery Machine Design

              Side Bow Applique Embroidery Machine Design

              Regular price $3.55

              The Bow Side Split Applique Open is has an applique as used in the viral side bow applique trend.  

              This design is made for the side seam applique style of t-shirts, sweatshirts, or pants.

              Instructional PDF with suggested supply list included in download.

              The sizes and formats included in this applique design are as follows:

              4x4, 4.5", 5x7, 6x10 
              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, JEF, EXP, XXX and BX


              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

              Bow Scalloped Flag Embroidery Design
              Bow Scalloped Flag Embroidery Design

              Bow Scalloped Flag Embroidery Design

              Regular price $3.45
              The Bow Satin Stitch Flag Embroidery Design is a three color embroidery design including satin stitches.
              The sizes included in this download are as follows:
              3":  7645
              4x4:  10100
              5":   12614
              5x7:  16797
              6x10:  24188
              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, JEF, EXP, XXX EMB and BX


              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

              Side Bow Applique Embroidery Machine Design
              Side Bow Applique Embroidery Machine Design

              Side Bow Applique Embroidery Machine Design

              Regular price $3.55

              The Bow Side Split Applique is has an optional two fabric choice for bow as shown in the first image.

              This design is made for the side seam applique style of t-shirts, sweatshirts, or pants.

              Instructional PDF with suggested supply list included in download.

              The sizes and formats included in this applique design are as follows:

              4x4, 4.5", 5x7, 6x10, 7Hx11
              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, JEF, EXP, XXX and BX


              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

              Lips Fill Embroidery Design Package

              Lips Fill Embroidery Design Package

              Regular price $3.05

              The Kiss Lips Embroidery Fill Package includes multiple sizes in a simple kiss lip design with embroidery fill stitching for embroidery machine monogramming.

              The sizes and formats included are as follows:

              1/2", 3/4", 1", 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3"

              PES, DST, JEF, VIP, VP3, EXP, HUS, XXX, EMB and BX

                If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


                For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                Wide Satin Bow Frame Embroidery Design
                Wide Satin Bow Frame Embroidery Design

                Wide Satin Bow Frame Embroidery Design

                Regular price $3.45

                The Satin Stitch Bow Frame is a two color embroidery design in both embroidery fill and satin stitches.

                The Wide Satin Bow Ribbon Embroidery Design is a two color embroidery design including fill and satin stitches for embroidery machine monogramming.

                Please note: The font shown in the second image, is not included in this download, but available as a separate purchase named Mastercircle Script here:
                Mastercircle Satin Package

                The sizes and formats included are as follows measured in width:

                1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", 4x4, 5", 5x7 (6.5"), 8.5", 11

                PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, and BX


                If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


                For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                Lips Print Embroidery Design

                Lips Print Embroidery Design

                Regular price $3.45

                The Lips Print Embroidery design is a three color embroidery design including embroidery fill and satin stitches.

                The sizes and formats included in this download are as follows:
                2.5", 3" 4x4

                PES, DST, JEF, VIP, VP3, EXP, HUS, XXX, EMB and BX

                  If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                  Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


                  For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                  Santa Satin Stitch Embroidery Design
                  Santa Satin Stitch Embroidery Design

                  Santa Satin Stitch Embroidery Design

                  Regular price $3.45

                  The Santa Satin Stitch Embroidery Design is a single color satin stitch design for embroidery machine monogramming.

                  Please note: The font shown in the first image, is NOT included in this download but available as a separate purchase named Eliza here:

                  Eliza Monogram

                  The sizes and formats included in this download are as follows:

                  3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10, 7x11

                  PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB, and BX


                  If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                  Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


                  For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                  Chinoiserie Nutcracker Winter Embroidery Design
                  Chinoiserie Nutcracker Winter Embroidery Design

                  Chinoiserie Nutcracker Winter Embroidery Design

                  Regular price $3.45

                  The Chinoiserie Nutcracker embroidery design is a multi colored design including embroidery fill, satin stitch and redwork/triple-bean outline stitches.

                  This design includes the following sizes and formats:
                   4x4, 5.5", 6.6", 8.5"

                  PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                  STITCH COUNT:
                  4x4: 6600
                  5.5":  12,200
                  6.5" 16300
                  8.5":  22,550



                  If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                  Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


                  For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                  Mini Marzipan Embroidery Design
                  Mini Marzipan Embroidery Design

                  Mini Marzipan Embroidery Design

                  Regular price $3.45

                  The Mini Marzipan Nutcracker Embroidery Design includes the Marzipan Nutcracker Design in min sizes for embroidery machine monogramming.

                  The sizes and formats included are as follows:

                  1", 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3"

                  The 1", 1.5" and 2" sizes include Satin stitches for the body

                  The 2", 2.5" and 3" sizes include Fill stitches for the body

                  PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB and BX

                  If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                  Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


                  For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                  Mini Snow Queen Embroidery Design
                  Mini Snow Queen Embroidery Design

                  Mini Snow Queen Embroidery Design

                  Regular price $3.45

                  The Mini Snow Queen Embroidery Design includes  the Snow Queen Design in min sizes for embroidery machine monogramming.

                  The sizes and formats included are as follows:

                  1", 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3"

                  The 1", 1.5" and 2" sizes include Satin stitches for the body

                  The 2", 2.5" and 3" sizes include Fill stitches for the body

                  PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB and BX

                  If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                  Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


                  For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                  Sweet Christmas Tree Winter Embroidery Design
                  Sweet Christmas Tree Winter Embroidery Design
                  Sweet Christmas Tree Winter Embroidery Design

                  Sweet Christmas Tree Winter Embroidery Design

                  Regular price $3.85

                  The Sweet Tree Christmas Tree Embroidery Design includes two variations.
                  Each version is a multi-color embroidery design with satin stitches and fill stitches.

                  The first version includes the monogram MC on the Ginger Jar for "Merry Christmas".

                  The second version has an open space on the ginger jar to create a monogram in embroidery editing software.

                  The sizes and formats included are as follows:
                  3", 4x4, 4H, 5H, 5x7, 7H


                  If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                  Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.


                  For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                  Painted Pumpkin Topiary Embroidery Design
                  Painted Pumpkin Topiary Embroidery Design

                  Painted Pumpkin Topiary Embroidery Design

                  Regular price $3.45

                  The Painted Pumpkin Topiary is a multi color embroidery design in satin stitches.

                  Please note:  The font shown in the first image is not included in this download but available as a separate purchase named Nora Satin.

                  The Painted Topiary Pumpkin download consists for 5 sizes for your embroidery machine. 
                  3", 4x4, 4", 4.5", 5"

                  PES, VIP, JEF, DST, EXP, HUS, EXP, VP3, XXX, BX, and EMB are included with instant download.


                  If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                  Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                  Link Below to Embrilliance Essentials:


                  For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                  Apres Holiday Embroidery Design
                  Apres Holiday Embroidery Design

                  Apres Holiday Embroidery Design

                  Regular price $3.55

                  The Apres Holiday Embroidery Machine design includes both a single color and multi color variation in this download.]

                  Each variation includes the following sizes and formats:

                  3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                  Instant download is available with

                  PES DST VIP VP3 HUS EXP JEF XXX EMB and BX


                    If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                    Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                    Link Below to Embrilliance Essentials:


                    For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                    Apres Le Football Embroidery Design
                    Apres Le Football Embroidery Design

                    Apres Le Football Embroidery Design

                    Regular price $3.55

                    The Apres Le Football Embroidery Machine design includes both a single color and multi color variation in this download.]

                    Each variation includes the following sizes and formats:

                    3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                    Instant download is available with

                    PES DST VIP VP3 HUS EXP JEF XXX and BX


                      If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                      Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                      Link Below to Embrilliance Essentials:


                      For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                      Candy Jack O Lantern  Embroidery Design
                      Candy Jack O Lantern  Embroidery Design
                      Candy Jack O Lantern  Embroidery Design

                      Candy Jack O Lantern Embroidery Design

                      Regular price $3.45

                        Save 30-40% by shopping at our new wholesale site:  SHOPHERRINGTONDESIGN.COM

                        The Pumpkin (with no bow)  is a multi color design including embroidery fill, satin and contrasting redwork stitches.

                        **Please note: The example stitch outs are of our coordinating Candy Pumpkin with Bow, but that file is NOT included in this download.** 

                        To purchase our Candy Pumpkin with Bow monogram please click the link below:

                        Candy Pumpkin With Bow

                        The Candy Pumpkin with NO Bow Design includes the following sizes:
                        3", 4x4, and 5x7

                        PES, DST, JEF, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, XXX SVG PNG EMB and BX

                        INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                        If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                        Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                        Link Below to Embrilliance Essentials:

                        DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                        For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                        Crayons Embroidery Design
                        Crayons Embroidery Design

                        Crayons Embroidery Design

                        Regular price $3.55

                        The Crayons Embroidery design is a multi- color embroidery design including fill and satin stitches.

                        The sizes and formats included in this design are as follows:

                        1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", 4x4

                        PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB and BX

                        INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                        If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                        Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                        DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                        For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.


                        HOLIDAY DESIGNS

                        Bow Coquette Heart

                        Bow Coquette Heart

                        Regular price $3.45

                        The Bow Heart Embroidery Machine design is a is a four-color embroidery machine design including satin stitches.  

                        The Bow Heart download consists for 5 sizes for your embroidery machine. 
                        2.5", 3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                        Stitch Count:
                        2.5":  7190
                        3":  8107
                        4x4: 9601
                        5x7: 13,820
                        6x10:  17,434

                        PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, and BX

                          You will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer to create a monogram as shown in the first image.

                          Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                          Link Below to Embrilliance Essentials:

                          DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                          For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                          Hearts Cowboy Boots Embroidery Design
                          Hearts Cowboy Boots Embroidery Design
                          Hearts Cowboy Boots Embroidery Design
                          Hearts Cowboy Boots Embroidery Design
                          Hearts Cowboy Boots Embroidery Design

                          Hearts Cowboy Boots Embroidery Design

                          Regular price $3.45

                          The Hearts Cowboy Boots Embroidery Design is a multi color embroidery design including both two versions in one listing.

                          There is a single boot that can be mixed and matched with a different color choice as shown in the first image including both a left and right boot.  

                          The two boots embroidery design includes two identical boots placed inside of a single hoop as shown in the second image.  

                          Please note:  The font  as shown in the second image are not included in this listing but available as a separate purchase named Edie Gray.

                          The Accent hearts are shown are available as a free download for 24 hours in our complimentary section!

                          The sizes and formats included in this design are as follows:
                          One Boot Design:

                          3", 4x4, 4.5", 5", 5.5", 5x7, 6x10 

                          The sizes and formats included in the Two Boots Version are as follows:

                          4x4, 5x7, 6x10
                          PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB and BX

                          STITCH COUNT


                          • 3: 7278
                          • 4.5: 13413
                          • 4x4: 9413
                          • 5: 18338
                          • 5x7: 22174
                          • 6x10: 30483


                          • 4x4: 7274
                          • 5x7: 18719
                          • 6x10: 32667

                          INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                          If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                          Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                          DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                          For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                          Candy Heart Embroidery Design & Font Package
                          Candy Heart Embroidery Design & Font Package
                          Candy Heart Embroidery Design & Font Package

                          Candy Heart Embroidery Design & Font Package

                          Regular price $7.50

                          The Candy Heart Embroidery Design package includes a blank satin stitch candy heart in multiple sizes as well as many sizes of the corresponding font as shown in our original font alphabet to create custom sayings such as the ones shown in our first image.

                          We have four bonus sayings to get your creative ideas flowing in our 4x4 size that are pre-set and ready to stitch.  They are shown in our first image, however these sayings are not included in any other size heart design.  They are simply bonus sayings that can be used freely as desired!

                          The sizes of open heart designs in our design package include:

                          1", 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                          All sizes are satin stitch except our 6x10 which is embroidery fill.

                          The font sizes which are created to use in our open hearts are as follows:

                          1/4", 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1.5", 2"

                          The formats included are:

                          PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB and BX

                          INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:
                          If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                          Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                          Link Below to Embrilliance Essentials:

                          DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                          For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                          Shabby Heart Design

                          Shabby Heart Design

                          Regular price $3.45

                          The Shabby Heart Embroidery Machine design is a is a multi-color embroidery machine design including embroidery fill, satin and contrasting redwork stitches for embroidery machine monogramming.  

                          The Shabby Heart download consists for 6 sizes for your embroidery machine. You will need fonts in these sizes:

                          3", 4x4, 4H, 5x7, 6x10, 7x9

                          PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, and BX

                            You will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer to create a monogram as shown in the first image.

                            Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                            Link Below to Embrilliance Essentials:

                            DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                            For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                            Fashion Girl Carrying Heart Balloons Valentine's Monogram
                            Fashion Girl Carrying Heart Balloons Valentine's Monogram
                            Fashion Girl Carrying Heart Balloons Valentine's Monogram
                            Fashion Girl Carrying Heart Balloons Valentine's Monogram

                            Fashion Girl Carrying Heart Balloons Valentine's Monogram

                            Regular price $3.45

                            The Fashion Girl Holding Heart Balloons Valentine's Day Girl Embroidery Design is a multi colored embroidery design including fill, redwork, and satin stitches.

                            There are multiple variations in each style including a simple balloon design with satin stitch balloons in 3" and 4x4 sizes. Fill stitch balloons for the 5x7 and 6x10. The full stitch design includes fill stitch balloons in all sizes, and an additional satin stitch version in the 3" and 4x4 size.

                            The sizes and formats in each style are as follows:

                            Full Design:
                            3" (Satin and Fill Balloons). 4x4 (Satin and Fill Balloons). 5x7 (Fill only). 6x10 (Fill only)
                            Simple Design:
                            3" (Satin balloons) 4x4 (Satin Balloons) 5x7 (Fill Balloons) 6x10 (Fill Balloons)

                            PES, DST, JEF, HUS, VIP, VP3, EXP, XXX, EMB and BX

                            STITCH COUNT:
                            Full Design
                            3": 5000
                            4x4: 62400
                            5x7: 14260
                            6x10: 25500

                            Simple Design:
                            3": 3400
                            4x4: 4056
                            5x7: 10900
                            6x10: 20270

                              If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                              Be Mine Valentine's Day Embroidery Design

                              Be Mine Valentine's Day Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The Be MINE embroidery machine design is a three color embroidery design including satin and fill stitches.

                              The sizes and formats are as follows:

                              3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                              STITCH COUNT

                              • 3: 4771
                              • 4x4: 5980
                              • 5x7: 11139
                              • 6x10: 14603

                              If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                              Kiss Lips  Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design
                              Kiss Lips  Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design
                              Kiss Lips  Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design

                              Kiss Lips Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The Kiss Balloon Embroidery design is a multi-color embroidery design with embroidery fill and redwork outline stitches.

                              This design is exclusively for embroidery machine monogramming.

                              There are two variations of this monogram included in one download.

                              The sizes and formats included in this download are as follows:
                              2.5", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                              STITCH COUNT

                              • 2.5: 11261
                              • 4x4: 15025
                              • 5x7: 41575
                              • 6x10: 56903

                              INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                              Love Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design
                              Love Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design
                              Love Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design
                              Love Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design

                              Love Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The LOVE Balloon Embroidery design is four-color an embroidery design with embroidery fill, satin stitches and redwork outline stitches. Please note that this is not the font with an entire alphabet, but just the word "love"

                              The sizes and formats included in this design as follows:
                              4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                              STITCH COUNT

                              • 4x4: 9315
                              • 5x7: 20598
                              • 6x10: 27787
                              • Satin 4x4: 7617

                              INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                              Hearts Gumball Machine Embroidery Design
                              Hearts Gumball Machine Embroidery Design
                              Hearts Gumball Machine Embroidery Design

                              Hearts Gumball Machine Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The Hearts Gumball Machine Embroidery Design is a multi color embroidery design for embroidery machine monogramming.

                              **Please note: The font shown in the first image is available as a separate purchase in our shop named "Heart Font" and NOT included in this download.**

                              To purchase Heart Font click here.

                              PES, DST, JEF, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, XXX, EMB, and BX

                              STITCH COUNT

                              • 4x4: 9194
                              • 5x7: 24524
                              • 6x10: 38987

                              INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                              XOXO Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design
                              XOXO Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design

                              XOXO Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The XOXO Balloon Embroidery design is four-color an embroidery design with embroidery fill, satin stitches and redwork outline stitches. Please note that this is not the font with an entire alphabet, but just the phrase XOXO.

                              The sizes and formats included in this design as follows:
                              4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                              STITCH COUNT

                              • 4x4: 9441
                              • 5x7: 19441
                              • 6x10: 30987

                              INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                              Mardi Gras Embroidery Design Package

                              Mardi Gras Embroidery Design Package

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The Mardi Gras Embroidery Design Package is a embroidery machine design package including 7 embroidery designs.

                              Mardi Gras Mask 1:

                              1", 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              Mardi Gras Mask 2:

                              1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              Mardi Gras Crown 1:

                              2", 3", 4x4, 5x7

                              Mardi Gras Crown 2:

                              2.5", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              New Orleans Embroidery Fill:

                              2", 2.5", 3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              French Quarters Satin:

                              2.5", 3", 4x4, 5x7

                              French Quarters Raw:

                              3", 4x4, 5x7

                              The above monograms include the following sizes and formats:

                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, XXX, JEF, EMB and BX

                              INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:
                              If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              Link Below to Embrilliance Essentials:

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                              Heart Scalloped Frame Embroidery Design
                              Heart Scalloped Frame Embroidery Design

                              Heart Scalloped Frame Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The Heart Scalloped Frame is a two color design including embroidery fill and redwork outline stitches.

                              **Please note: The font shown in the first image is available as a separate purchase in our shop named "Heart Circle Font" and NOT included in this download.**

                              To purchase Heart Circle Font click here.

                              The sizes and formats included in this download are as follows:

                              1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10
                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB and BX

                              STITCH COUNT:

                              • 2: 2161
                              • 2H: 2539
                              • 3: 3260
                              • 4x4: 3850
                              • 5x7: 5451
                              • 6x10: 7130

                              INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                              Spring Tulips Wreath Embroidery Design
                              Spring Tulips Wreath Embroidery Design
                              Spring Tulips Wreath Embroidery Design

                              Spring Tulips Wreath Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The Spring Tulips Wreath is a multi color design including embroidery fill, satin and contrasting outline stitches.

                              **Please note: The font shown in the first image is available as a separate purchase in our shop named "King Street" and NOT included in this download.**

                              To purchase King Street click here.

                              This design includes the following sizes and formats:
                              3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                              STITCH COUNT

                              • 3: 11633
                              • 4x4: 13471
                              • 5x7: 17977
                              • 6x10: 23980

                              INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                              Love Fill Embroidery Design
                              Love Fill Embroidery Design

                              Love Fill Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The Love Fill Embroidery Design is a four color embroidery design with flat stitches.

                              The sizes and formats included in this download are as follows:
                              3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10
                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB and BX

                              INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                              Ginger Jar with Tulips Valentine's Embroidery Design
                              Ginger Jar with Tulips Valentine's Embroidery Design
                              Ginger Jar with Tulips Valentine's Embroidery Design
                              Ginger Jar with Tulips Valentine's Embroidery Design
                              Ginger Jar with Tulips Valentine's Embroidery Design

                              Ginger Jar with Tulips Valentine's Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The Ginger Jar with Tulips Boxwood Bow Embroidery Design is a multi color design including embroidery fill, satin and contrasting outline stitches.

                              **Please note: The font shown in the first image is available as a separate purchase in our shop named "Barrett Satin" and NOT included in this download.**

                              To purchase Barrett Satin click here.

                              This design includes the following sizes and formats:
                              4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                              STITCH COUNT

                              • 4x4: 15981
                              • 5x7: 29430
                              • 6x10: 41523

                              INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                              Love Type Embroidery Design

                              Love Type Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The Love Type Heart Monogram is a three color embroidery design including satin stitches.

                              The sizes and formats included in this download are as follows:
                              2.5", 3" 4x4, 5x7
                              PES, DST, JEF, VIP, VP3, EXP, HUS, XXX, EMB and BX

                              STITCH COUNT

                              • 2.5x3: 5500
                              • 4x4: 8300
                              • 5x7: 17200
                              • 6x10:  2100

                              If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                              Love Shadow Embroidery Design
                              Love Shadow Embroidery Design

                              Love Shadow Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The LOVE Shadow embroidery design is a two color embroidery design with two directional embroidery fill stitch lettering and contrasting redwork outline stitches.

                              The sizes and formats included in this download are as follows:

                              2.5"4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                              STITCH COUNT

                              • 2.5: 6166
                              • 4x4: 9929
                              • 5x7: 26053
                              • 6x10: 49736

                              Turkish Hand Towel Vendor

                              Embrilliance Essentials is our Software Recommendation

                              If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                              Spring Simple Tulip Wreath Embroidery Design
                              Spring Simple Tulip Wreath Embroidery Design
                              Spring Simple Tulip Wreath Embroidery Design

                              Spring Simple Tulip Wreath Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The  Simple Spring Tulips Wreath is a four color design including satin and contrasting outline stitches.

                              **Please note: The font shown in the first image is available as a separate purchase in our shop named "Sarah" and NOT included in this download.**

                              To purchase Sarah click here.

                              This design includes the following sizes and formats:
                              3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                              STITCH COUNT

                              • 3: 3757
                              • 4x4: 4207
                              • 5x7: 5737
                              • 6x10: 7124

                              INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Shop the Inspiration Look:

                              Baby Bonnet Vendor

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                              Heart Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design

                              Heart Mylar Balloon Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The Heart Mylar Balloon Embroidery design is four-color an embroidery design with embroidery fill, satin stitches and redwork outline stitches. 

                              The sizes and formats included in this design as follows:
                              3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                              INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                              Heart Boxwood Wreath Embroidery Design
                              Heart Boxwood Wreath Embroidery Design

                              Heart Boxwood Wreath Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.45

                              The Heart Wreath Boxwood Bow Embroidery Design is a multi color design including embroidery fill, satin and contrasting outline stitches.

                              This design includes the following sizes and formats:
                              3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                              STITCH COUNT

                              • 3: 17871
                              • 4x4: 23160
                              • 5x7: 38976
                              • 6x10: 56196

                              INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                              If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                              Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                              DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                              For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                              Apres Holiday Embroidery Design
                              Apres Holiday Embroidery Design

                              Apres Holiday Embroidery Design

                              Regular price $3.55

                              The Apres Holiday Embroidery Machine design includes both a single color and multi color variation in this download.]

                              Each variation includes the following sizes and formats:

                              3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                              Instant download is available with

                              PES DST VIP VP3 HUS EXP JEF XXX EMB and BX

                                INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                                If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                                Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                                Link Below to Embrilliance Essentials:

                                DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                                For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                                Mint Julep Kentucky Derby Embroidery Design
                                Mint Julep Kentucky Derby Embroidery Design
                                Mint Julep Kentucky Derby Embroidery Design

                                Mint Julep Kentucky Derby Embroidery Design

                                Regular price $3.45

                                The Mint Julep Kentucky Derby Embroidery Design is a multi color embroidery design including embroidery fill and satin stitches.

                                Please note: The font shown in the first image is not included in this download but available as a separate purchase named Vintage Lace.

                                3", 4x4, 4.5", 5.5", 6", 5x7 (6.5")

                                PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, JEF, EXP, XXX, EMB and BX

                                If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                                Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                                DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                                For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                                Sweet Menorah Hanukkah Winter Embroidery Design

                                Sweet Menorah Hanukkah Winter Embroidery Design

                                Regular price $3.45

                                The Sweet Menorah Embroidery Design is a five color satin stitch embroidery design for embroidery machine monogramming.

                                This design includes the following sizes and formats:
                                3", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                                PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                                STITCH COUNT:

                                • 3": 7191
                                • 4x4: 8675
                                • 5x7: 13295
                                • 6x10: 16199

                                INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                                If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                                Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                                DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                                For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                                Menorah Hanukkah Winter Embroidery Design
                                Menorah Hanukkah Winter Embroidery Design
                                Menorah Hanukkah Winter Embroidery Design

                                Menorah Hanukkah Winter Embroidery Design

                                Regular price $3.45

                                The Menorah Embroidery Design includes two versions of a satin stitch design for embroidery machine monogramming.

                                The first file includes is a one color design, and the second file is a three color design as shown in the first image.

                                This design includes the following sizes and formats:
                                2.5", 4x4, 5x7, 6x10

                                PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX EMB and BX

                                STITCH COUNT:

                                • 2H: 7656
                                • 4x4: 9621
                                • 5x7: 16109
                                • 6x10: 18757


                                • 2H: 7901
                                • 4x4: 9868
                                • 5x7: 16361
                                • 6x10: 18967

                                INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                                If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                                Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                                DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                                For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.


                                Font Packages

                                WHOLESALE PRICED FONT PACKAGES
                                Candy Heart Font Satin 4x4
                                Candy Heart Font Satin 4x4
                                Candy Heart Font Satin 4x4
                                Candy Heart Font Satin 4x4

                                Candy Heart Font Satin 4x4

                                Regular price $9.00

                                The Candy Heart Font and Sayings Package is a single color satin stitch font for embroidery machine monogramming.

                                Each file includes uppercase letters A-Z, numbers 0-9 and 5 Candy Heart Valentine's Sayings as shown in the second image.

                                The sizes and formats included are as follows:

                                1", 1.5", 2”, 2.5”, 3”, 3.5”

                                PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB, and BX


                                If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                                Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                                DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                                For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                                Beau Satin Embroidery Font Package
                                Beau Satin Embroidery Font Package
                                Beau Satin Embroidery Font Package

                                Beau Satin Embroidery Font Package

                                Regular price $9.00

                                The Beau Satin Embroidery Font Package is a single color satin stitch embroidery font including uppercase letters A-Z and an accent dot as shown in the first image.

                                The four sizes and formats included in this download are as follows:

                                1/4"(1Q), 1/2" (H), 3/4" (3Q), 1", 1.5" (1H), 2"

                                PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX and BX

                                INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:

                                If you wish to customize this monogram with a specific monogram font, you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                                Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                                DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                                For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel.

                                Sweet Marissa Satin Embroidery Font
                                Sweet Marissa Satin Embroidery Font
                                Sweet Marissa Satin Embroidery Font
                                Sweet Marissa Satin Embroidery Font
                                Sweet Marissa Satin Embroidery Font
                                Sweet Marissa Satin Embroidery Font
                                Sweet Marissa Satin Embroidery Font

                                Sweet Marissa Satin Embroidery Font

                                Regular price $8.00

                                The Sweet Marissa Script Font Package offers 4 sizes of our Sweet Marissa Valentine's Satin Stitch Font. Each size includes 104 individual letters to create a fully customized monogram as shown in the first image. The Sweet Marissa Font includes both uppercase and lower case letters as well as 26 right swash lowercase letters and 26 left swash lowercase letters.

                                The sizes and formats included in this listing are as follows:

                                1.5", 2", 2.5", 3

                                PES, DST, JEF, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, XXX, EMB and BX


                                If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                                Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                                DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                                For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                                Heart Monogram Fill Embroidery Font
                                Heart Monogram Fill Embroidery Font
                                Heart Monogram Fill Embroidery Font
                                Heart Monogram Fill Embroidery Font

                                Heart Monogram Fill Embroidery Font

                                Regular price $9.00

                                The Heart Fill Stitch Embroidery is an embroidery fill embroidery machine font including 10 sizes at an exceptional value. There are 78 letters for each size.

                                The sizes and formats included in this download are as follows:

                                .5", 1", 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3"

                                PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB, and BX

                                INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:
                                If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                                Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                                DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                                For video tutorials on downloading files to your desktop, and using Embrilliance Essentials Software please visit our Youtube channel:

                                Peeps Easter Bunny Candy Embroidery Font 4x4 Package
                                Peeps Easter Bunny Candy Embroidery Font 4x4 Package
                                Peeps Easter Bunny Candy Embroidery Font 4x4 Package
                                Peeps Easter Bunny Candy Embroidery Font 4x4 Package

                                Peeps Easter Bunny Candy Embroidery Font 4x4 Package

                                Regular price $11.00

                                The Peeps Easter Candy Type Embroidery font is a font including both embroidery fill and satin stitch outline variations in each size.

                                The examples of each variation are shown in the images above.

                                This font includes uppercase letters A-Z and a solid Peep Bunny in all sizes.

                                The sizes and formats included in this file are as follows:

                                1", 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", 3.5"

                                PES, DST, VIP, VP3, HUS, EXP, JEF, XXX, EMB and BX

                                INFORMATION ON GETTING STARTED:
                                If you would like to customize your own monograms you will need an embroidery editing program installed on your computer.

                                Our recommendation for an embroidery program is always Embrilliance Essentials. They offer both a free express program, and an extended program for $150. Embrilliance Essentials also offers excellent customer service and helpful youtube videos to assist in getting started.

                                Link Below to Embrilliance Essentials:

                                DOWNLOADING AND TECHNICAL HELP:

                                For video tutorials on downlo